Paddle Board Setup Instructions

How to check for leaks
The pump valve can come loose after heavy use / during shipping.
Pump your paddle board to 10 PSi 
It takes 1 minute to fix.
  1. Use soapy water to check for leaks.
  2. Look for the orange repair kit included in the box.
  3. Use the plastic wrench tool.
  4. Twist Right (clock wise) now your valve is fully tighten & ready for the water! 🚣‍♂️
  5. PRO TIP - Use lots of soapy water to make it easier to tighten the valve, and reduce friction.
Fix Leaky Valve Video ⬇️

Follow these instructions for leaks on the vinyl seem (pin holes) ⬇️
Use the glue in the box.
Find the area with the leak using soapy water
Deflate the board completely. 
Use the vinyl super glue in the box, apply a generous amount of glue.
Let it sit for 12 - 24 hours.
This will fix any pinhole leaks around the vinyl overlaps. 

If this doesn't work, we can swap out the board for a new one. You can keep all accessories, and we will swap the board for you.